Zaure K. Chulanova
Task leader, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: H-index = 1 (57208496185)
Researcher ID: H-index = 2 (N-5054-2017)
РИНЦ: H-index = 3 (884120)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9333-7582
Member of the Methodological Council of the Institute of Economics CS MES RK
Scientific editor of the journal “Economics: strategy and practice”
Engaged in research activities for over 30 years. Currently, she is studying the impact of the transformation of the labor market on the qualitative renewal of human capital and the modernization of social and labor relations, as well as issues of migration and modern reproduction of the population. She has published more than 200 scientific articles on human development, economic integration, various aspects of social policy.
Prizes and awards:
Fellow of the programs “Bolashak” and “IREX” (Program of Contemporary International Studies of the US Department of State, Washington).
Recipient of an IMF scholarship for studying the course “Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy” at the Joint Vienna Institute (Vienna, Austria, 1995).
The owner of a scholarship to study at the University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, DEA “Human Resource Economics and Social Policy” (Paris, France, 1996-1998).
Winner of the finalist award of the research competition within the framework of the World Bank project “Monitoring of poverty in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic” (2002-2003)
Recipient of a scholarship for an internship at the Institute of Assets and Social Policy at Brandei University (Boston, USA, 2005).
Winner of the research project competition and subsequent work as a visiting researcher at the Institute of the Asian Development Bank (Tokyo, Japan, 2006).
Recipient of the Salzburg Global Seminar Scholarship for participation in the scientific and practical project “Innovations in Knowledge Based Economies: Accelerating the Benefits” (Salzburg, Austria, 2008).
Academic advisor
Kazakhstan model of the formation of the Society of General Labor: methodological foundations, institutions, mechanisms, roadmap (2015-2017, grant 4974 / GF4)
Project executor
Development of the concept and mechanisms for the balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan (PTS 2021-2023 IRN OR11465433)
Methodology for Assessing the State of Human Capital in the Context of Innovative Development of the Economy: a Three-Level Approach. Chulanova Z.K., Satybaldin A.A., Koshanov A.K. (2019). Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (1), 321-328.
Regulating Kazakhstan’s Labor Relations under New Socio-economic Conditions. Chulanova Z.K. (2019). E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 8(3), 47-67.
Diffusion of innovations, knowledge spillovers and economic growth of the regions of Kazakhstan: mutual impact. Spankulova, L.S., Kaneva, M.A., Chulanova, Z.K. (2020). The Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3, 151-159.
Внешняя миграция населения Казахстана за годы независимости. Чуланова З.К. (2021). The scientific heritage, (76), 37-45.
Некоторые подходы к оценке состояния человеческого капитала (на примере Казахстана). Кошанов А.К., Чуланова З.К. (2021). Вестник Московского университета, 6(4), 49–72.
Human Capital in the Labor Market of Kazakhstan. Chulanova Z.K. (2021). Chapter 2 in «Progress in Economic Research». Nova Science Publishers, New York, 97-148.
Теоретико-методологические подходы к формированию эффективной модели социально-трудовых отношений в Казахстане в условиях инновационного развития. Чуланова З.К. (2017). Общество и экономика, 9, 202-218.
Влияние инновационной активности, человеческого капитала, перетока знаний на экономический рост регионов. Спанкулова Л.С., Чуланова З.К., Ибраимова С.Ж. (2019). Экономика: Стратегия и практика, 14(4), 53-66.
Professional standards as a factor of adaptation of human resources to the Industry 4.0: approaches to development and implementation. Chulanova Z. (2019). Journal of human resource management, vol. XXII, 1, 12-20.
Approaches to Formation and Regulation of a New Model of Social and Labor Relations in Terms of Innovative Development. Chulanova Z.K. (2019). The Journal of Business, Economics, and Environmental Studies, 3, 11-20.
Совершенствование национальной системы квалификаций как фактор формирования нового качества человеческого капитала. Сатыбалдин А.А., Дауранов И.Н., Чуланова З.К., Абилкаир Н. (2020). Экономика: стратегия и практика, 3, 11-23.
RK, A25K1B0, Almaty, str. Shevchenko 28
Phone: +7 727 261 01 75
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00
E-mail: zaure.ch@mail.ru