Dana M. Kangalakova

Dana M. Kangalakova

Assignee, PhD

Scopus ID: H-index= 1 (57194270697)

Researcher IDH-index= 0 (C-4875-2015)

ORCID:  0000-0001-8388-8559

Engaged in research activities for more than 9 years. Specializes in the field of economic research, including issues of: entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, innovative economy, regional economy, intellectual potential, human capital, agglomeration, demographic forecast, etc.

Project Manager
Intellectual potential of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment and development prospects (IRN AR 08052800, 2020-2022)

Methods of assessment of efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries: Experience of Kazakhstan. Kangalakova, D.M., Sabden, O. (2017). International Journal of Economic, 14(7), 47–57.

Аймақтардың зияткерлік әлеуетінің құрылымдық ерекшеліктері және оның ел аймақтарының дамуына әсері. Кангалакова Д.А, Рахметова Д.А. (2021). Экономика: стратегия и практика [Èkonomika: strategiâ i praktika], 16(3), 22-34,

Managing research and development process in conditions of economic growth of Kazakhstan: Methods and analysis. Kireyeva A., Kangalakova D., Kredina А., Satpayeva Z., Urdabayev M. (2021). Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 185-196.

Аймақтардың интеллектуалдық әлеуетін бағалау:  зерттеудің методологиялық негіздері. Кангалакова Д.М., Рахметова Д.А. (2021). The Journal of Economic Research & Business Administration, 1(135), 68-78.

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Phone: +77016277060
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00
E-mail: dmuratbekovna@mail.ru