Aizhan T. Tleuberdinova
Task leader, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Scopus ID: H-index = 1 (57192707616)
Researcher ID: H-index = 1 (AAQ-1109-2020)
РИНЦ: H-index = 3 (582818)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8762-5932
Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Economics of the CS MES RK
Member of the Methodological Council of the Institute of Economics CS MES RK
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice”
He has more than 8 years of experience as a responsible executor and head of scientific projects. She is currently studying the socio-economic development of urban systems and rural areas of the country’s regions.
Prizes and awards:
Winner of the title “The best teacher of the university” in 2008, 2014
Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder 2010, 2013, 2015
Academic advisor
Development of a methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness of tourism services (IRN AP09561652, 2021)
Academic advisor
Theoretical and practical foundations for the formation of the brand of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a factor in the long-term development of the tourism industry (IRN 0115RK00985, 2015-2017)
Project executor
Development of a concept and mechanisms for a balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan (IRN OR11465433, 2021-2022)
Expert Assessment of Entrepreneurial Activity Development. A Case Study. Tleuberdinova A.T., Shayekina Zh.M., Salauatova D.M., Amerkhanova A.B., Pamashova A.N. (2019). Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7 (2), 1599-1612.
Using digital technologies in the energy industry. Тлеубердинова А.Т., Кулик В.Б., Кулик К.В. (2020). Вестник университета Туран, 4(88), 245-249.
Концептуализация развития сельских территорий. Сатыбалдин А.А., Тлеубердинова А.Т., Кулик К.В. (2021). Экономика: стратегия и практика, 16(3), 6-21.
Уровень жизни сельского населения Казахстана как социально-экономическая категория. Тлеубердинова А.Т., Рузанов Р.М., К.В. Кулик (2021). Проблемы агрорынка, 3, 162-171.
Macro-economic Factors Influencing Tourism Entrepreneurship: The Case of Kazakhstan. Tleuberdinova A.T., Shayekina Z., Salauatova D., Pratt S. (2021). Journal of Entrepreneurship, 30(1), 179–209.
RK, A25K1B0, Almaty, str. Shevchenko 28
Phone: +7 727 261 01 75
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00
E-mail: tat404@mail.ru