Aksanat Zh. Panzabekova
Task leader, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: H-index = 3 (56107145200)
Researcher ID: H-index = 3 (N-8052-2017)
РИНЦ: H-index = 4 (37000487)
ORCID: 0000-0002-6389-9637
Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Economics of the CS MES RK
Member of the Methodological Council of the Institute of Economics CS MES RK
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice”
Engaged in research activities for over 25 years. Specializes in the field of economic and interdisciplinary research, including issues of: property relations, economic security; institutional reforms; regulatory impact assessment, digitalization development, etc.
Successfully implemented research projects within the framework of targeted funding programs, grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Thematic Plan of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including: “Formation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of property relations in corporate and small businesses”, 2006-2008; “Mechanisms for the regulation and naturalization of foreign capital in the context of national interests”, 2007-2008; 2009-2011; “World experience in the fight against corruption and the possibility of its application in Kazakhstan (non-linear methods of combating corruption, prevention, promoting the cleanliness of the civil service)”, 2013-2015; “Formation of a new architecture of global security on the principles of the communicative dialogue” G-Global “”, 2015-2017.
Prizes and awards:
The owner of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists in 2007-2008. and two grants from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for young scientists to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology.
Academic advisor
Socio-cultural factors of corruption and the concept of the formation of an anti-corruption culture in Kazakhstani society (IRN AP08856570, 2020-2022)
Project executor
Development of the concept and mechanisms for the balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan (PCF IRN OR11465433, 2020-2022)
Sustainable development issues of Almaty as the largest metropolis in Central Asia. Alibekova, G., Panzabekova, A., Satpayeva, Z., Abilkayir, N. (2018). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 177(1), 012010.
Comparative analysis of approaches to designing of regulatory impact assessment institute in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Turgel I., Panzabekova A., Satpayeva Z. (2018). Bulletin of National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4, 153-160.
Regulatory impact assessment in post-soviet countries: Results, problems and prospects. Turgel, I.D., Panzabekova, A.Zh. (2018). Management Science, 8(2), 84–93.
Human capital for sustainable development: a comparative analysis of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Panzabekova A., Satybaldin A., Alibekova G., Abilkayir N. (2019). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 317(1), 012013.
Global sustainable development and academic mobility. Polkovnikova, N., Balk, M., Panzabekova, A., Yarygina, A. (2020). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 534(1), 012009.
Distribution of ICT and Analysis of the Digital Components of the Quality of Life. Panzabekova, A., Kireyeva, A.A., Satybadin, A.A., Sabyr, N.S. (2020). Journal of Distribution Science, 18-12, 67-77.
Strategic management of sustainable development in the Sverdlovsk region. Turgel, I., Pobedin, A., Panzabekova, A. (2020). E3S Web of Conferences, 208, 08029.
RK, A25K1B0, Almaty, str. Shevchenko 28
Phone: +7 727 261 01 75
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00
E-mail: panzabekova.aksana@ieconom.kz