Marat T. Urdabayev

Marat T. Urdabayev

Assignment Executor, PhD Candidate

Scopus ID: H-index=0 (57236560100)

ORCID:  0000-0001-8270-6821

He is currently studying the development of “smart cities” in Kazakhstan.

Project executor
Development of the concept and mechanisms for the balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan (PCF IRN OR11465433, 2020-2022)

Project executor
Scientific and technological space of the EAEU countries: structure, development mechanisms, ensuring the economic interests of Kazakhstan (AP09259768, 2021-2023)

Managing research and development process in conditions of economic growth of Kazakhstan: Methods and analysis. Kireyeva A., Kangalakova D., Kredina А., Satpayeva Z., Urdabayev M. (2021). Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 185-196.

An Investigation Study on Capable of enhancing TTOs for Intellectual Property Management Systems in Kazakhstan. Kireyeva A., Turdalina S., Urdabayev M., Satpayeva Z. (2021). 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, 9465961.

SWOT analysis of smart city projects in capital cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. Urdabaev M. T., Rysbek E. U.(2021) R-ECONOMY, 7(4), 235–243.

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Phone: +7 727 261 01 75
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00