Rakhila U. Rakhmetova
Task Executor, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Scopus ID: H-index= 3 (56027902300)
Researcher ID: H-index= 1 (AAY-7017-2020)
РИНЦ: H-index = 4 (1110028)
ORCID: 0000-0002-4079-244X
Rakhmetova R.U. is a specialist in the field of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting of socio-economic processes. She owns more than 150 works on mathematical methods and models of the economy published in Kazakhstan, Russia, including 12 monographs, among which are: “Modeling the agribusiness system” (1998), “Methods for creating agro-industrial clusters in Kazakhstan” (2005 ), “Prospects for the development of rice growing in Kazakhstan” (2006), “Modeling the standard of living of the population of Kazakhstan” (2008), in co-authorship with Russian scientists 3 monographs “Applied models of econometrics” (2011), “Balanced economic growth: the practice of measuring and scope” (2014) and “Monitoring of the development of small and medium enterprises of the manufacturing industry in Russia” (2019), “Some aspects of the socio-economic development of large and large cities of Kazakhstan” (2017), “Prospects for the socio-economic development of cities in Kazakhstan” ( 2018), “Kazakhstan aimaktarynyn demographics of damuy” (2020).
Project Manager
Prospects for the socio-economic direction of development of cities in Kazakhstan in the context of ten global challenges of the 21st century (4642 / GF2015, 2015-2017)
Project Manager
Prospects for the demographic development of the regions of Kazakhstan in the context of “Mangilik El” (AR05134319, 2018-2020)
Tel: +7 777 378 18 85, +7 701 874 99 52
E-mail: rakhmetova@rambler.ru