Нюсупова Гульнара Нурмухамедовна

Нюсупова Гульнара Нурмухамедовна

Руководитель задания, д.г.н., профессор

Scopus ID: H-index= 3 (54382275400)

Researcher IDH-index= (O-2263-2014)

ORCID:  0000-0001-5294-2671

The Electronic Atlas of Socio-Demographic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Elaboration and Main Stages of Creation. Nyussupova, G. (2019).International Journal of Geoinformatics, 15( 4), 67-75.

Socio-demographical indicators of an electronic atlas of socio-demographic development of the regions of the republic of Kazakhstan. Nyussupova G., Kenespaeva L., Karagulova R., Saginbay O., Aidarkhanova G. (2018). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, Conference paper.

Social and geographical research in the Republic Of Kazakhstan with the use of gis technologies. Nyussupova G., Kalimurzina A., Kelinbayeva A. (2018). European Journal of Geography, 8 (3), 109 — 125.

Social and geographical research in the Republic Of Kazakhstan with the use of gis technologies. Nyussupova G., Kalimurzina A., Kelinbayeva A. (2018). European Journal of Geography, 8 (3), 109 — 125.

Modern demographic processes in urban areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012)Nyussupova G., Sarsenova I. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 18, 99-108.